After finishing my pinwheel blanket, I had (have) so much yarn left over in this "fall" color family that was already hacked and used that I can't do much else with it but freeform or random striped knitting. Also, because I only had to finish up the blanket to get the rush of a FO I still have some random striping steam left in me... that's what caused me to dig up my handy dandy top down raglan pattern (#991 by Diane Soucy) and started knitting. I began on Friday night after work, and knitted all weekend - I knit in the morning early.... then we went with some friends out for errands - I knit at the car dealership in the waiting room (free cookies, pastries, water, juice, soda!) ... then we went to Farrell's ice cream parlor, and watched our friend's kids play video games... while they played, I knit... carrying around my sweater in a messenger bag... they did bumper boats... I watched and knit.... they did go karts, I knit some more... it worked out perfectly because I was able to keep another friend company so she wasn't the only spectator! We ate amazing food... I knit... we came home for a while and while everyone did their thing... playing with animals, playing on the computer, etc., I knit... and when we went out for dinner that night, I knit again. I asked everyone if they were OK with my knitting and they all said it was OK - that it was almost expected of me... After dinner, we went to Target for a few last minute things, and I even knit walking through Target... this was all excessive even in my opinion, but after a day of knitting Saturday, and most of Sunday, I'm about 1/2 way done with the body of my raglan sweater! What I haven't decided yet is this - should the sleeves match each other? I was first thinking of making them both totally random - then I thought maybe they should be different from the body of the sweater (same general yarns, etc.) but not the same color order/yarn type, etc. OR should I just knit sleeve #1 and use those same yarns (and striping but maybe a different order) for sleeve #2? I need input! The photo shows what it looked like as of Sunday afternoon - I have done even more than this already as I type... but I need to know what to do for sleeves - please let me know your thoughts either in comments or email :) Have a great week! |
July 2023