Self Portrait - Painting in Progress ![]() I'm working on my self portrait for Acrylics class and it's coming along nicely so far... I have the background begun and I'm pleased with the way the colors look. The staircase is from an antebellum mansion that is now owned (or was, anyway?) by Ashland (an oil company) and it's located in Louisiana - I think Baton Rouge?- anyway, it's probably gone now because of Katrina, but the photo remains, and I am in love with the curves of the staircase, aged plaster walls and old wooden stairs. This one is due on December 16th, so I have to get going on it - I plan on working more on it this weekend. Thankful The list could go on for miles... but here's a quick list of what (and who) I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, 2008- Lyrics to the "song of the moment" I had a lot of fun last night at ceramica working on my sheep and baby lamb - they're supposed to look "primitive" - giving a nod to the style of pre-columbian pottery... they are not finished yet (as I hope you can tell!) but wanted to share and show them off... stay tuned :) ...and just because it's Friday, here's a little fun scene from Sesame Street... I remember this one from my childhood! yip yip yip! :) ![]() What a beautiful place for a retreat - nestled north (I think it's north?) of the Golden Gate Bridge, we were at Point Bonita YMCA - bunkbeds, staying up late, knitting and learning... ![]() The grounds were beautiful - we saw deer, racoons and even a skunk (who was cute!) - I was enamored with the fog, cool temperatures, drizzle, moss and atmosphere - it's not what I'm used to in Los Angeles, that's for sure! ![]() a short and easy hike down the pointe brought us to this big steel door through the mountain - it is the entrance to the path that leads to the lighthouse - and is open only a few hours a day a few days a week - I loved the rust colored algae or rust or whatever it is around the door - the color was so beautiful! ![]() I tried to get a photo of the bridge at night - and while I was very still (sat my camera solidly on a post, set the timer, did long exposures) I didn't take into account the mist and fog in the air... it's fuzzy because San Francisco is a bit fuzzy - it's misty and hazy and foggy and I LOVE it!! Poor Darrellllll... (founder of - when are ya gonna get out of the brigade? :) a view from inside a part of the brigade (used for WWII I think) - not sure what this really was, but we thought it'd be a great place for a bar or dance club - that is; if they'd put up some railings... Mr. Farris again taking great photos of the city and the bridge... me and my buddy Michael - he helped me immensely with my circular sock knitting machine... (and he MADE a pair of socks on his while doing so!) - see that sweater? he made it - an insanely talented guy - can't wait to learn more from him and the other guys next year! and last but not least, Point Bonita Lighthouse - a beautiful spot... (and I got great cell phone service out there!) I know I didn't show much knitting on this post - but knitting WAS done - I just didn't photograph it... I got about half of the front of a sweater done, and took a few classes as well. we learned twined knitting, hand spinning on a drop spindle, freeform knitting/crochet, mosaic, and entrelac among other things. Wanna be involved next year? please do... just get in touch with the guys who organized it and they'll email you as it gets closer. WonderMike and HizKnits from Y Knit were the ones in charge this time -- amazing men - along with everyone who attended... 27" x 50", Acrylic and mixed media / collage on canvas - I had a great time working on this piece - frustrated a good part of that time - it was when I allowed myself to just "let go" and try things that it started to work out the way I wanted! After the Men’s Knitting Retreat, I have been thinking seriously about compiling a collection of stories and interviews featuring knitters and fiber artists from all 50 of the United States. While this is a very premature request, I wanted to find out among you who might be interested in sharing who they are, how they began to knit (where they learned), etc. etc. - I have started a webpage linked here - it's very much under construction, but everything has to start somewhere, right? [NOTE] It's time for us to take action. If you believe that anyone should have the right to marry the person they want, regardless of gender, please take 5 minutes and write your senators and congresspersons. I have attached a letter addressed to CA Senators Feinstein and Boxer. Please download, add your name, address and signature line at the bottom, print, and mail it. The more that we share our concerns, the more that our representatives will begin to pay attention. ![]()
July 2023