We'll keep this posting short and sweet - check out the SHOP and if you're interested in any of them let me know... I'll be adding more as these sell off - but the ones we're starting with are all one of a kind sets. Remember, the proceeds go to help Living Free Animal Sanctuary - during these uncertain times, the animals still need help - you can save lives!!! What a wonderful day! I am pleased to share a lesson I learned. When working on freeform pieces, it's important (as in painting, ceramics and probably most other arts) to pay careful attention to the piece and when it's time to stop that you stop... the piece will usually hint to you when it's time... the wrap told me today that it was done... and it is! I haven't sewn in my label (yet) but it's complete - here's a recap - a year ago this month I started this wrap after a class with Janice Rosema, a freeform knit/crochet artist living here in southern California. Her class was inspirational and empowering - there are no mistakes in freeform work - but some things work together better than others... I bought a felted fleece from Ozark Handspun and began knitting and crocheting pieces to be joined to the fleece. Most of the year that it took to finish the piece sat on my dress form - waiting for me to revisit the project. It has become the latest obsession, and now that it's complete, I have mixed emotions. I'm glad, but wish that a second (different) piece had already been started so that I could continue the process with another piece... but it's not started... and I can't decide if I want to do one in browns/neutrals OR greens/blues/yellows... thoughts/opinions? One of my favorite parts of this piece is the button - it's a cabinet knob from Edgar Berebi - a spider cabinet knob with swarovski crystals in it - I had the back part of the knob cut off so that it's flat, then we tapped the back and put a eyelet screw in the hole... wrapped that bit with yarn and attached it. It's a bit heavy, but heck; the entire piece is heavy... it's colorful, warm, and will take a person with a lot of presence, personality, fashion sense (and courage) to pull it off! I'm not sure what's next, but today's a great day - because this project is complete! Jonathan, Jason's friend, wrote on www.menwhoknit.com this morning... |
July 2023