I suggested each of the clients select their very own nightstand, keeping in mind the color scheme we had established. They each chose something different and beautiful, and they compliment the space perfectly, hinting at their individual styles but still remaining cohesive with the space. The highlight of this project was painting one of the walls to look like wallpaper! AfterPainted Wallpaper TutorialInspired by this painted wallpaper, I decided this is the perfect way to create a focal point without hanging art on the wall, since most people don't like having art over their beds in San Francisco (earthquakes!) This paint treatment offers a bit of pattern in this room while allowing the occupants to sleep soundly. The process is easy, requires only a few tools, a somewhat steady hand, and time. Following is the tutorial for this project which includes the stencil template as well as general directions for how to go about transforming any wall into a showpiece!
Let's Begin:Once you have selected your colors and painted the room with the base color, it's time to start the process of painting the design. Begin by printing the template out (above). Lay a piece of clear acetate over the stencil and carefully trace it out using the Sharpie permanent marker. Be sure to include the little horizontal bits that hold the center square in the stencil! Cut the stencil out using the Exacto knife, paying careful attention to the corners. Again, remember not to cut those little supports that are holding the center square. Once that's done, find the center of your wall and mark a vertical line using a pencil. Lightly trace around the stencil, being sure to add the "additional filler" between each motif. Once a few squares are drawn in, place the stencil between two motifs to the right or left of the line, and, making sure it's vertical, draw it in. Repeat on the other side, then measure and use that spacing to draw the rest of the vertical lines on the wall. Work your way along, taking frequent breaks. The process takes quite a while. once you're done drawing, mix some accent paint and Floetrol in a container. (Floetrol extends the drying time of the latex paint.) Using your small artists brush, begin to fill in the design, doing your best to keep each line straight. I worked in sections, painting different sections at the same time so that I was never touching a spot that was wet. Take your time; making sure you're painting the right place. Make a mistake? Just wash it off with a wet rag, let that spot dry, and try again. As I worked, I would feather out the ends of my painting so that there were no hard lines showing where I stopped and started. Painting the wall took a LONG time. It's a beautiful result, though, and for those who might not be interested in devoting hour upon hour to the project, as well as those brave enough to tackle the project, I offer a virtual gift: Desktop Wallpaper! Once the wall was completed, I took a photo of the large expanse of pattern and formatted it to fit most standard computer monitors. Select the appropriate size and download the file with my thanks for taking time to visit the website and read the blog.
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![]() Finished 2 paintings last night - this one 32" x 32" to emulate the art of Andrew Wyeth... it's of my bedroom window - the house is over a century old and in New Middletown, IN (about 30 miles from Jeffersonville, IN and near Louisville, KY) - I want to do more to this one but it had to be finished enough to turn in... so here it is... ![]() and this one - a self portrait that I didn't want to do... both for school... I'm pretty happy with the first one but the self portrait will probably be painted over (after it's graded tonight!) the stairs are from a mansion in Louisiana (I've never been) and I'm sitting on the stairs knitting.. I think it looks like I have makeup on... but for my first portrait in acrylic (ever) and painting of a human form in years (over a decade since I tried!) I think it's pretty good. I'll try again but this one isn't something I feel interested in saving... unless I'm convinced otherwise... Self Portrait - Painting in Progress ![]() I'm working on my self portrait for Acrylics class and it's coming along nicely so far... I have the background begun and I'm pleased with the way the colors look. The staircase is from an antebellum mansion that is now owned (or was, anyway?) by Ashland (an oil company) and it's located in Louisiana - I think Baton Rouge?- anyway, it's probably gone now because of Katrina, but the photo remains, and I am in love with the curves of the staircase, aged plaster walls and old wooden stairs. This one is due on December 16th, so I have to get going on it - I plan on working more on it this weekend. Thankful The list could go on for miles... but here's a quick list of what (and who) I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, 2008- Lyrics to the "song of the moment" 27" x 50", Acrylic and mixed media / collage on canvas - I had a great time working on this piece - frustrated a good part of that time - it was when I allowed myself to just "let go" and try things that it started to work out the way I wanted! What can I say... I am not liking it at all... I was frustrated yesterday in class and started to redraw with white paint... I am not happy with the flat blue sky (which would get more help anyway) and I don't really like anything about the composition - I went with a friend from school to an art supply expo in Pasadena on Sunday. There were probably 100 vendors there, selling brushes, paint, canvases, and all kinds of neat artsy stuff. We hung out at the Golden Acrylic booth and learned about OPEN - their new acrylics that stay wet for a day... (instead of 10-40 minutes!) - we also went by Duho Studios - a company that was making exotic wood panels for painting - BEAUTIFUL - I bought some goodies at a few booths, including loading up on pallette knives and mediums and gels at the Liquitex booth. I discovered white ink there also - which I'm excited about and think I may use in a project very soon! When I got home, I did some messing around on the abstract landscape - I added some texture with string medium that I tinted with inks - it's the consistency of honey and drips in neat long strings... I also put on some crackle medium and some medium that has a type of sand in it... To be honest, I'm not overwhelmed with this piece quite yet - I don't love the way it looks and have no clear direction as to how I will finish it. I WILL say, however, that after visiting all those booths and reviewing some of the literature I brought home, I am looking forward to working more on it tonight. ![]() in knitting news, I continue to work on the striped sweater I am test knitting. The more I work on this the more I love the pattern (and idea) and the more I dislike my color combo. I just don't know if I'll wear it because the colors are soo bright... but I am not giving up; I wanted to do this more than anything and I'm clicking right along with the pattern... I will reserve final judgement when I try it on... I finished the quilt painting this weekend - 36" x 36", the object was to demonstrate a number of different color theories within the panels. The canvas was to be divided into 16 separate spaces, with a pattern or motif in each one. ![]() OK so it doesn't look like much yet - but it's my abstract landscape painting... I stretched the canvas myself - I believe it's 28" x 50" - strange size (deliberately because I had to stretch it; why would I stretch a "standard" size?) - at this point, it's just a basic wash in colors, and I started to apply some old photos torn in bits and pieces - trust me; I have an idea.. I just hope I can make it work :) ![]() It's getting closer to being done... I added the wrapper to the taffy on the bottom and the cellophane wrapper to the butterscotch candy at the top left - I have a few tweaks I want to do to it before it's complete but I better hurry up; it's due next Tuesday! ![]() So here's my painting after the second class - I like the little slideshow feature that flickr has - it helps to see how the painting is progressing! |
July 2023