Working in many different media, from collages to enamel and watercolor, I have enjoyed discovering new ways of expression, while quenching the thirst for creating that I constantly feel. Following is a selection of works I have completed over the years.
History Mural
1990 | Deer Valley High School, Glendale, AZ | 6' x 6'
I didn't know if it was still around - so I contacted my old High School and sent a random request through their website and got ahold of one of the facilities folks - and she sent 2 photos - the second of which was actually the mural I helped paint in the early 90's when I attended school there! I remember spending time after school with other kids, sketching out the mural on the wall, and using can after can of house paints to color it in. I remember painting the flag, the smoke under the space shuttle, and the feather in the inkwell.
I look at it now, as an adult, decades later, and I see a lot that could be improved. The perspective is wonky, blending needs work, scale is off, but in the end, it's something that I did as a child and I am thankful to have an image of it. Getting the chance to be involved in projects like this as a child helps me to know that we can do anything we want to if we set our minds to it...
[Deer Valley High School, Glendale, AZ]